Polio-Free Countries

Eradicating polio has been a worldwide effort over many years. This table shows the last recorded case of indigenous wild poliovirus (WPV) by country. As data methodology and quality varied widely across regions and countries in earlier years, this table is based on the best-available sources for the years before 2000.

Until polio is completely eradicated, all countries remain at risk of imported WPV, as has happened in a number of countries.

Country – Year

Country – Year

Country – Year

Country – Year

Afghanistan ongoing Dominica 1980 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 1991 Saint Lucia 1970
Albania 1978 Dominican Republic 1985 Lithuania 1971 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1977
Algeria 1996 East Timor pre 1985 Luxembourg 1963 Samoa 1950
American Samoa 1950 Ecuador 1990 Macao, SAR 1975 San Marino 1982
Andorra 1959 Egypt 2004 Madagascar 1997 Sao Tome and Principe 1983
Angola 2001 El Salvador 1987 Malawi 1991 Saudi Arabia 1995
Anguilla 1962 Equatorial Guinea 1992 Malaysia 1986 Senegal 1998
Antigua and Barbuda 1965 Eritrea 1992 Maldives 1980 Seychelles 1980
Argentina 1984 Estonia 1961 Mali 1999 Sierra Leone 1999
Armenia 1995 Ethiopia 2001 Malta 1964 Singapore 1978
Australia 1972 Federated States of Micronesia 1970 Mariana Islands 1960 Slovakia 1960
Austria 1980 Fiji 1962 Marshall Islands 1976 Slovenia 1978
Azerbaijan 1995 Finland 1963 Martinique data not available Solomon Islands 1972
Bahamas 1967 Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia 1993 Mauritania 1999 Somalia 2002
Bahrain 1993 France 1989 Mauritius 1980 Somalia 2000
Bangladesh 2000 French Polynesia 1982 Mexico 1990 South Africa 1989
Barabados 1967 French Guiana 1983 Monaco 1964 Spain 1988
Belarus 1994 Gabon 1996 Mongolia 1993 Sri Lanka 1993
Belgium 1979 Gambia 1997 Montserrat 1976 Sudan 2004
Belize 1981 Georgia 1991 Morocco 1989 Suriname 1982
Benin 2000 Germany 1990 Mozambique 1993 Swaziland 1989
Bermuda data not available Ghana 2000 Myanmar 1996 Sweden 1977
Bhutan 1986 Greece 1982 Namibia 1995 Switzerland 1982
Bolivia 1989 Grenada 1970 Nauru 1910 Syrian Arab Republic 1998
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1993 Guadeloupe data not available Nepal 2000 Tajikistan 1997
Botswana 1989 Guam 1964 Netherlands 1960 Thailand 1997
Brazil 1989 Guatemala 1990 Netherlands Antilles data not available Togo 1999
British Virgin Islands data not available Guinea 1999 New Caledonia 1982 Tokelau 1950
Brunei Darussalam 1978 Guinea-Bissau 1999 New Zealand 1962 Tonga 1982
Bulgaria 1982 Guyana 1962 Nicaragua 1981 Trinidad and Tobago 1972
Burkina Faso 2000 Haiti 1989 Niger 2006 Tunisia 1994
Burundi 1999 Honduras 1989 Nigeria 2016 Turkey 1998
Cambodia 1997 Hong Kong, SAR 1983 Niue 1950 Turkmenistan 1996
Cameroon 1999 Hungary 1969 Norway 1969 Turks and Caicos Islands 1977
Canada 1979 Iceland 1960 Oman 1993 Tuvalu 1936
Cape Verde 1988 India 2011 Pakistan ongoing Uganda 1996
Cayman Islands 1958 Indonesia 1995 Palau 1940 Ukraine 1996
Central African Republic 2000 Iran 1997 Palestine N.A. 1988 United Arab Emirates 1992
Chad 2000 Iraq 2000 Panama 1972 United Kingdom 1982
Chile 1975 Ireland 1965 Papua New Guinea 1996 United Republic of Tanzania 1996
China 1994 Israel 1988 Paraguay 1985 United States of America 1979
Colombia 1991 Italy 1982 Peru 1991 Uruguay 1978
Comoros 1983 Jamaica 1982 Philippines 1993 US Virgin Islands data not available
Congo 2000 Japan 1980 Poland 1984 Uzbekistan 1995
Cook Islands 1959 Jordan 1988 Portugal 1986 Vanuatu 1989
Costa Rica 1972 Kazakhstan 1995 Puerto Rico 1974 Venezuela 1989
Cote d’Ivoire 2000 Kenya 1988 Qatar 1990 Viet Nam 1997
Croatia 1990 Kiribati data not available Republic of Moldova 1996 Wallis and Futuna 1972
Cuba 1962 Kuwait 1985 Republic of Korea 1983 West Bank and Gaza pre 1985
Cyprus 1995 Kyrgyzstan 1992 Reunion 1979 Yemen 1999
Czech Republic 1960 Lao People’s Democratic Republic 1996 Romania 1992 Zambia 1995
Democratic People’s Rep. of Korea 1996 Latvia 1992 Russian Federation 1996 Zimbabwe 1991
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2000 Lebanon 1994 Rwanda 1999
Denmark 1976 Lesotho 1987 Saint Helena data not available
Djibouti 1999 Liberia 1999 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1969

The names and designations used in this list do not imply the expression of any opinion concerning the legal status of any country or territory. Names are as of the year 2016, regardless of the country’s name at the time of virus interruption.