
bOPV Bivalent oral polio vaccine

cVDPV Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus

cVDPV1 Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1

cVDPV2 Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2

GAP Global Action Plan

GAPIII Third edition of the WHO Global Action Plan to minimize poliovirus facilityassociated risk after type-specific eradication of wild polioviruses and sequential cessation of oral polio vaccine use

GCC Global Commission for Certification of the Eradication of Poliomyelitis

GPEI Global Polio Eradication Initiative

IPV Inactivated polio vaccine

mOPV2 Monovalent oral polio vaccine type 2

NEAP National Emergency Action Plan

NID National Immunization Day

OPV Oral polio vaccine

OPV2 Oral polio vaccine type 2

PHEIC Public health emergency of international concern

PPG Polio Partners Group

SAGE Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on immunization

SIA Supplementary immunization activity

SNID Subnational Immunization Day

tOPV Trivalent oral polio vaccine

UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund

VDPV Vaccine-derived poliovirus

VDPV2 Vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2

WHO World Health Organization

WPV Wild poliovirus

WPV1 Wild poliovirus type 1

WPV2 Wild poliovirus type 2

WPV3 Wild poliovirus type 3

AEFI Adverse event following immunization

AFP Acute flaccid paralysis

aVDPV Ambiguous vaccine-derived poliovirus

BMGF Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

bOPV Bivalent oral polio vaccine

CDC US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

cVDPV Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus

DTP3 Diphtheria–tetanus–pertussis vaccine third dose

EMG Eradication Management Group

EPI Expanded Programme on Immunization

FATA Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Pakistan)

FOMWAN Federation of Muslim Women’s Associations in Nigeria

FRR Financial Resource Requirements

FWG Finance Working Group

GAP Global Action Plan

GAPIII Third edition of the Global Action Plan to minimize post-eradication poliovirus facility-associated risk

GAVI GAVI Alliance

GCC Global Commission for Certification of the Eradication of Poliomyelitis

GIS Geographic information system

GPEI Global Polio Eradication Initiative

GPS Global positioning systems device

GVAP Global Vaccine Action Plan

ICC Interagency Coordinating Committee

IFFIm Innovative Financing Facility for Immunization

IMB Independent Monitoring Board

IMG Immunization Systems Management Group

IPV Inactivated polio vaccine

IVD Immunization and Vaccine Development

iVDPV Immunodeficiency-associated vaccine-derived poliovirus

LGA Local Government Area

LQAS Lot Quality Assurance Sampling

mOPV Monovalent oral polio vaccine

NCC National Certification Committee

NGO Non-governmental organization

NID National Immunization Day

NSTOP Nigeria Stop Transmission of Polio programme

OPV Oral polio vaccine

OPV2 Oral polio vaccine type 2

PAG Polio Advocacy Group

POB Polio Oversight Board

PPG Polio Partners Group

PRC Polio Research Committee

PSC Polio Steering Committee

RCC Regional Certification Commission

RED Reaching Every District

SAGE Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization

SIA Supplementary immunization activity

SIAD Short Interval Additional Dose

SNID Subnational Immunization Day

STOP Stop Transmission of Polio programme

TAG Technical Advisory Group

tOPV Trivalent oral polio vaccine

UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund

VAPP Vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis

VDPV Vaccine-derived poliovirus

VfM Value for money

VPD Vaccine-preventable disease

WHA World Health Assembly

WHO World Health Organization

WPV Wild poliovirus

WPV1 Wild poliovirus type 1

WPV2 Wild poliovirus type 2

WPV3 Wild poliovirus type 3